Cancer and serious mental illness

People with serious mental illness often find it more difficult to get the support they need when it comes to cancer. This can mean their cancers are less likely to be spotted at an earlier and more treatable stage, or that their treatment (if they are diagnosed with cancer) is less successful. 


Working closely with people with lived experience, as well as both mental health and oncology specialist clinicians, we have developed a new resource for people with serious mental illnesses who want to know more about cancer advice and support. 

Your patients can visit our online resource here to understand their risk of cancer and what to expect when facing a diagnosis or undergoing treatment.

We have also produced a short guide to demonstrate how practices and PCNs can set up an AccuRx Template with a link to the patient resource. The resource can be sent to patients to support:

  • A consultation about cancer screening or awareness.
  • A patient that has come for their Annual Health Check.
  • A patient with an SMI and cancer within your practice.

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