In collaboration with The Baked Bean Charity and healthcare professionals across our three south east London NHS Trusts, we have created a new patient leaflet for people with a learning disability or autism. The leaflet contains information in easy read. Easy read information uses simple language and pictures and it can be useful if you want information that is easier to understand.
In 2023, we held a large focus group with people with learning disabilities and autism to understand their experience of accessing information about their health. Those who attended the focus group said they often do not understand the information provided to them and therefore find it difficult to discuss their treatment with a healthcare professional. This was also reflected in the findings from the 2022 National Cancer Patient Experience Survey.
Our local survey of over 60 healthcare professionals working in south east London, also revealed that nearly half of the respondents did not provide easy read material to people with a known learning disability. Many respondents also said they were unsure of where to find this information or what resources were available.
In response to these findings, we have developed a short easy read leaflet for patients that provides links to easy read information about cancer care and treatment, from trusted organisations and charities such as Macmillan. The leaflet has been co-designed with people with learning disabilities and can be used across south east London and beyond.
How can I help share this?
- Share this leaflet with patients who it may help at the point of diagnosis or as early as possible. It can be sent electronically or printed out and given as a hard copy.
- Share the link to this page with your colleagues to help raise awareness of leaflet within your clinical teams.
For more information about this collaborative project or if you’d like to share feedback on the leaflet, please contact