Cancer Rehabilitation & Personalised Care Community of Practice - Dementia & Cancer
Event details
Event Date/Time
15th May 2025, 1:30pm to 4:00pm
Event Categories
- Primary care
- Secondary care
- Patient involvement
Event Description
Addressing health inequalities related to Dementia and Cancer - Including Guest Speakers from the Centre for Dementia Research, Leeds Beckett University and Dementia Hub UK.
- Are you a patient partner with one of our hospitals in SE London or are a carer of someone with cancer?
- Do you work with people with cancer?
- Do you have a passion for Cancer rehabilitation and Personalised Care?
- Do you want to network with your colleagues?
- All welcome – eg AHP/ CNS/ Consultant/ Hospice Staff/ Psychology/ Patients/ Carers/ Family
Our Ethos
- We will bring together all those with a passion for improving rehabilitation and personalised care for our patients in South East London.
- We will create a space to discuss challenges and opportunities in delivering cancer support and rehabilitation, and work together to find innovative solutions.
- We will develop cross boundary relationships and tap into the collective experience and intelligence of the community, turning ‘promising practice into ‘shared best practice’
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